Your Magic Wand: For Levelling Up Your Life

A Self-Paced Coaching Program To Help You Achieve Your Goals Without Breaking The Bank

Yes I Am Ready For Change!

Do you have any goals you secretly thought you'd have achieved by now?

Or do you regularly avoid TAKING ACTION, because it's easier to binge-watch another Netflix series each night?

Have you wanted to reach out for help but you think a life coach will cost you an arm and leg?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you're exactly in the right place.

Those goals you've been trying to accomplish - I'm here to help you accomplish them.

It's time to make your goals a reality (in the simplest way possible).




Does this sound familiar?

You want to shed the last 10 pounds but find yourself putting on MORE weight year after year.

Or you want to write that book you've always dreamed of writing but can't remember the last time you picked up a pen.

Or you feel the tug to start your own business but the idea of quitting your stable yet crappy job keeps you frozen in place

Or you desire to have more love, joy or fun in life and in your relationships but each day you continue to show up as a meaner, more negative version of yourself (how is that even possible?)

Whatever your goal, I want you to know there's a simple way to get it and you will find the exact formula inside YOUR MAGIC WAND course.




I'm going to share with you the exact tools and framework from my personal coaching business that I give to all my 1:1 clients.

My coaching framework WORKS at helping you break down and achieve your goals in 3 months with a clear strategy and process to follow.

These exact tools and steps have helped many people like yourself make their dreams into reality.

It doesn't matter if you're a beginner.

It doesn't matter if you're overwhelmed.

It doesn't matter if you feel like you've tried before and failed.

This process works no matter what your starting point is.

In 3 months, it is totally possible to:

→ Start a new business

→ Complete a book manuscript

Save a big chunk of money

See a transformation in your body

Or achieve any big goal that is set in the way that I teach you

So if you’ve ever entertained the idea of getting a life coach or wished to learn the strategies of coaches without 1:1 coaching, YOUR MAGIC WAND is for you.

This DIY coaching program was created to allow you to experience the amazing power of life coaching without the high-end price tag.

Put simply, inside YOUR MAGIC WAND I have replicated my entire 12-week coaching program as an online course.

✔️ This course includes the exact coaching prep tools and strategies that I've shared with private clients, so you get expert guidance at a fraction of the usual cost

✔️ Each week you will receive a specific game plan to follow and guidance on what specific actions to take, so you can stop procrastinating and feeling overwhelmed because you have no idea what to do next

✔️ You'll finally start to believe you're worthy and take action on the goals that are important to you, instead of constantly believing all the excuses WHY you can’t do it

✔️ You'll know exactly what to do when you face the most common obstacles along the way, instead of giving up at the first sign of a challenge

✔️ Finally, you can repeat this process with EVERY goal you have as often as you like, because YOUR MAGIC WAND is yours for life.




If you've ever dreamed of investing in a personal coach but thought it was simply out of your reach - don't worry. I've got you covered.


Inside this course, you will find the EXACT tools and EXACT process I've implemented and refined while coaching private clients over the last 20 years.

Some people also prefer to dip their toes into the water first.

They love the idea of working on their own goals at their own pace.

They also want the guidance of a life coach, without actually having to have a face-to-face meeting every week.

If that sounds like you, I've bundled all my coaching expertise for you into one convenient virtual coaching program that you can use OVER AND OVER AGAIN for years to come.



-> You have a goal you genuinely want to achieve but have no idea where to start or how to break it down into actionable steps.

-> You technically know what you want but have no idea how to break free from this feeling of being stuck.

-> You feel frustrated and unfulfilled but the desire is there to change (even if it's difficult).

-> You're keen to find a SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM, because you're tired of wasting each precious day without having anything to show for it.

->You understand that your dreams are never going to just randomly fall into your lap and you're willing to do things differently, ditch all the excuses and finally make things happen.

-> You want the support of someone who has been working with clients for over 20 years

-> Plus you've tried and you've stopped and you feel like giving up was the only solution


If you've ever tried to achieve a goal in the past and failed, it’s time for you to do something different with YOUR MAGIC WAND's strategies.

Change can feel hard but inside this course I've made it as simple as possible for you to achieve your goals, because you have access to my step-by-step strategies and formula every single step of the way.

Here's the truth: If you want to create change in your life, you need to be willing to do something different.

But you don't need to do it alone.

Inside this course, I share with you the exact strategies you would receive if you worked with me privately. When you follow these strategies, they're guaranteed to work.

Remember life is not a dress rehearsal.



I genuinely want you to start to get excited about your life again.

There's a good chance the reason you're feeling so exhausted, so miserable, as if life is a battle you just can't win is because you've focused your attention on things that don’t truly matter and you haven't yet embraced a strategy that works.

Inside YOUR MAGIC WAND, you will find a coaching strategy that WORKS.

No matter what your goal is, you can take it through the 12 week YOUR MAGIC WAND process and watch your dreams come to life.




Here's exactly how YOUR MAGIC WAND will help you achieve results...


💡 You will find everything you need to set your 3 month goals including:

→ Coaching Prep Questionnaire

→ Life Checkup Guide

→ Decision-Making Tool Worksheet

→ Weekly Worksheet

Pre Coaching Actions and more

💡 Then once you've chosen your goals (according to our framework), you will find 12 weeks of strategic coaching lessons, with three short videos to watch each week.

→ A Weekly Coaching Lesson

Your 12 weekly coaching lessons will provide you with a specific strategy to follow for the week ahead. These strategies come together to create a proven framework that makes your success is inevitable.

Your Weekly Action Lesson

Your 12 weekly action lessons will help you set actions for the week ahead. No more guessing "What should I do next?" This lesson makes it super easy for you to plan and action your next baby steps.

Your Week 1 Obstacle Lesson

It wouldn't be fair to send you into the wild with a solid game plan and not warn you of the potential obstacles you might face. There will of course be obstacles (that's life, right?) and I will share with you exactly what to do to overcome them.

💡 Each recorded training is also supported by additional resources such as PDFs so that you have the option of being supported in the way that suits you best.

💡 YOUR MAGIC WAND is also hosted on my favorite online platform - Teachable, which also has an App you can download (for IOS users) so that you can access the content anytime and from anywhere



Get started now!







Because it's not enough to keep your dreams locked inside you, this course will teach you create the simplest way to keep your goals in the forefront of your mind.




🤍 Here you will find 21 in-depth coaching solution guides on: how to think and dream big, develop a success mindset and successful habits to help you on your journey. So that you can say goodbye to more thinking small, having a scarcity mindset or holding onto crappy negative habits,

🤍 There's also a no-nonsense guide to setting and brainstorming goals, how to reduce stress in your life, how to get and stay organized and how to develop a wealthy mindset and get what you truly want in life. So you can say ditch unnecessary stress and mess in your life.

🤍 There are also coaching guides on how the law of attraction actually works (so you can use it to your advantage), how to overcome self-doubt, manage your time like a pro and know how to embrace each day to get the most out of it. So that you can always stop allowing negative mind chatter and time-wasting to hold you back in life.

🤍 Finally, these are bonus guides to help you recharge your body, overcome fatigue, stay disciplined, and plan for the future while living in the now so that you can live a truly focused life and stop feeling so tired and out of control.





🤍 Here you will find the 30 Days Of Goals And Resolutions workbook, so that you never feel lost on what to focus on again

🤍 Don’t Settle - Go After Your Dreams Guide and workbook, so that you stop thinking so small when it comes to your goals

🤍 Step Outside Your Comfort Zone Guide and workbook, so you can finally step outside the cage of your own making

🤍 The Creating New Habits Guide, Wealth Mindset Master Course Guide and From Lack To Abundance Guide and worksheet, so that you feel supported 100% of the time during your self-coaching program

🤍 The Mastering Your Inner Critic Guide and Workbook, Overcoming Challenges Guide, Self-Care Guide and so much more, so that you truly become a self-coaching ninja, even when you aren't actively going through the self-coaching program


These bonuses will be your go-to coaching reference library whenever you need expert guidance to help keep your goals firmly within reach.




Get started now!



If the idea of having:

🤍 a proven 12-week coaching framework and videos, without breaking the bank

🤍 lifetime access to a DIY-coaching course

🤍 the opportunity to set inspiring yet achievable 12-week goals that STRETCH you sounds exciting

🤍 then YOUR MAGIC WAND is perfect for you.


What is the price you will pay if you don't make constructive changes in your life?




Remember, there's a price you pay for your inaction.

What exactly are you missing out on by not chasing your goals and not having the results you want in life?

Is it more money?

More energy?

More time?

Better health?

Better relationships?

More confidence in yourself and your ability to create change in your life?

What are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual costs attached to you staying stuck and refusing to make changes?





"Investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. It will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you."

Robin Sharma




Help has arrived!

Say hello to your future VIRTUAL LIFE COACH

That's me - Frances Vidakovic, a certified life coach with a degree in psychology, CEO of two award-winning websites and host of the INSPIRING MOM LIFE podcast.

There's a reason why I've followed this exact same framework for 20 years with coaching clients (while refining it to be the most perfect process possible) -

I've experienced both ways of living - a life where my goals have been ignored versus a life where I've actively pursued my dreams - and there's no question as to which life feels more alive, more authentic, more exciting and more rewarding.

When you actively chase your goals, the way you show up each day to live your life is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Your actions are more purposeful, the way you spend your time is more intentional and the way you protect your precious energy and honor your set boundaries is clear.

These are changes you will experience yourself once you enrol in YOUR MAGIC WAND and fully embrace the self-coaching program.



Well number one it’s different because I created it. I’ve never seen another life coach replicate their exact coaching strategy in the way I have here - where you have access to the exact same weekly lessons recorded for you in advance, which you can reference over and over again in the future.

I created YOUR MAGIC WAND because it pains me to think about how many people would benefit from having a life coach and yet they feel like they can’t afford it.

Hence the reason I created this more affordable option so I could tear down that financial barrier and make it possible for you to access coaching lessons that have the potential to totally transform your life.

This is the information I would share with you if we were sitting across from each other having a one-on-one life coaching session.

The cool thing is YOUR MAGIC WAND is yours to keep forever, with all future updates included. Inside you will receive hours of video lessons and my personal strategies poured into the most jam-packed collection of resources for you to reference as often as you need to.

This means you could technically have me coaching you all throughout the year because once you complete one three-mont coaching period, you have the option of jumping straight into another 3 month round and doing it again and again and again. It’s all up to you my friend!

Here's what you will get when you invest in YOURSELF:


They say when you're ready the teacher will appear...

And here it is for you...

YOUR MAGIC WAND will remind you that you're actually the CEO of your own life. You have an option: either you run your days or your days will run you

YOUR MAGIC WAND will help you finally take action - without all the mind drama and procrastination.

Inside this course you'll have the support of a virtual life coach - ME! - guiding you week by week, every step of the way, at an affordable price.

YOUR MAGIC WAND is here to help you with any goal you choose to chase for the rest of your life.

So what are you waiting for?

I can't wait to start virtually coaching you!



Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends. It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course on the Teachable platform for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. You can even download the Teachable app and listen to the coaching lessons on the go.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
I would never want you to be unhappy. If you're unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 14 days and I will give you a full refund.
Does it require a lot of time to go through?
If we were to meet every week in a private coaching program we'd spend one hour together brainstorming the next steps for you to take. Inside YOUR MAGIC WAND you will find 3 x weekly lessons that will take you approx 20 minutes in total to listen to. In addition to that, the only time you need to invest is the time you spend working on your goals. If you have time to scroll through social media, you have time for this course.
How will I know if it will work for me - I’ve bought courses in the past and I just forget about them?
You will get as much out of YOUR MAGIC WAND as the effort you put in. Treat this course with the same respect you'd give to a life coach you paid $2000 to work with and consistently take the recommended actions towards your goals - this is the way to set yourself up for success. These strategies work when you do the work.
I'm not sure if I can afford it?
If purchasing this course will financially harm you and your family, please come back and revisit YOUR MAGIC WAND when you're in a more comfortable position. However, if you're interested in life coaching and looking for a more affordable option, YOUR MAGIC WAND is perfect for you. The cost of YOUR MAGIC WAND is a tiny fraction of what you would pay if you were to work privately with a life coach.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic. I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.