Pinterest Is Queen

The No-BS Guide To Getting Over 100,000+ Pageviews Every Month From Pinterest

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You may have heard a rumor that Pinterest is an excellent way to drive traffic to your website.

Thankfully all the rumors are true!

With over 320 million monthly users, Pinterest is seriously the most undervalued and overlooked search engine in the world and one of the best FREE sources of traffic that exists.


For the record, every strategy inside PINTEREST IS QUEEN is directly responsible for my parenting website consistently bringing in over 100,000 pageviews every month from Pinterest.

See below: out of 191,157 pageviews, over 140,000 of that traffic came direct from Pinterest in one month.

In fact, ever since launching my blog in 2018 I've had 7 MILLION pageviews to my website.

Pinterest is a platform I am obsessed with studying and experimenting with.

Never before have I outlined my exact strategy for getting traffic from Pinterest. Until now, of course!

Here are my Pinterest analytics for one month alone.




After years of using Pinterest to drive massive amounts of traffic to my website, it has slightly irked me to see some teaching the topic, when it is obvious they haven't actually achieved the same results themselves.

In order to understand Pinterest, you need to become a student before you can become the teacher.

I have personally sat there in the trenches as a newbie blogger, struggling to work out how to master Pinterest.

Over the past few years:

✔️ I have personally experimented with the platform.

✔️ Spent hundreds of hours testing out every so-called popular strategy.

✔️ Thrown old ideas out the window.

✔️ Invented my own strategies.

✔️ Felt like throwing fits of frustrations when things didn't work so well

✔️ This was followed by feelings of total exhilaration when EVERYTHING FINALLY STARTED TO MAKE SENSE.

✔️ It seriously felt like I had cracked the secret code to Pinterest traffic success.


You may be curious about title PINTEREST IS QUEEN and I should note that this is the companion book to CONTENT IS KING.

I say content is king because really, that is the honest to goodness truth.

The most important thing that you can first do is create lots of valuable content, which ideally aims to solve a struggle or pain point for your readers.

However content alone won’t drive traffic to your website until you begin to promote it.

Let me repeat that for you – you can have the best content in the world but if you aren’t willing to market or promote that content, there’s a chance it may sit there undiscovered.

And this is where Queen Pinterest steps in.

If content is king, Pinterest is his much cooler, wiser partner (or should we say his gorgeous QUEEN?) that finally helps Mr. Content get noticed with all the traffic and attention he so desperately wants and needs.




PINTEREST IS QUEEN is the ultimate No-BS guide to getting over 100,000+ pageviews every month from Pinterest

This is NOT just some flimsy booklet rehashing the same things you already know about Pinterest.

To the contrary, this is a 380 page comprehensive book filled with practical and strategic tips and tricks I have discovered from my time on the platform, which have helped me maintain my surge in Pinterest traffic.

I have literally left no stone unturned when it comes to sharing with you everything I have learned after using Pinterest for the last three years.




Here are just a few of the topics we cover inside PINTEREST IS QUEEN (there's even more inside this 380+ page book!):

  • ✔️ Why Pinterest Is Queen

  • ✔️ Examining The Most Successful Niches (Because Not All Niches Are Created Equal)

  • ✔️ Short And Sweet Overview To Set Up Pinterest

  • ✔️ My Secret Game Changer Way To Launch Or Revive Your Pinterest Account

  • ✔️ Understanding The Lifespan Of A Pinterest Pin

  • ✔️ Best Pinterest Practices

  • ✔️ The Perfect Pinterest Pin

  • ✔️ What I Have Learned From Creating Thousands Of Pins

  • ✔️ The Most Important Part Of Your Pinterest Pin

  • ✔️ 300 Power Words That Will Make Your Blog Title “Catchier”

  • ✔️ Tools To Make The Clickable Pin

  • ✔️ Why You Shouldn’t Be A Slave To Branding

  • ✔️ My Magic Pinning Number

  • ✔️ How I Create 100 Fresh New Pins Every Month

  • ✔️ Automated Versus Manual Pinning

  • ✔️ What Should I Pin If I’m Manually Pinning?

  • ✔️ What’s The Deal With Tailwind Tribes?

  • ✔️ What You Need To Know About Pinterest Group Boards Today

  • ✔️ How To Dig Deep For Gold (And Find The Very Best Keywords To Use)

  • ✔️ A Detailed Description Of My Very Unique Pinning Strategy

  • ✔️ My Exact Process Of Uploading A Pin (Including My Technique For Crafting A Keyword-Rich Pin Description)

  • ✔️ What To Check And When In Analytics

  • ✔️ What I Would Do Differently If I Could Turn Back Time (This Is My Favorite Chapter!)




Do you know how fantastic it feels to consistently get over 4,000 pageviews from Pinterest every day with minimal effort?

Thanks to Pinterest I was able to leave my day job to become a full-time blogger, exactly nine months after starting my brand new blog.

I sincerely desire the same for you: to achieve Pinterest marketing success - in whatever form that may be.

This is why I have poured my heart and soul into this book so that you don't have to learn things the hard way...

So that you can actually begin to have some fun with Pinterest because once you understand the core foundational secrets to getting traffic, marketing on this platform will begin to feel so incredibly rewarding.


PINTEREST IS QUEEN is the perfect guide for you if:

✔️You consider yourself to be an intermediate Pinterest marketer (if you are a newbie, there's A LOT of information to take in but don't worry - I will still guide you).

✔️ You have a website that you would like to send traffic over to and you haven't yet harnessed the true power of Pinterest.

✔️ Your current Pinterest marketing strategies aren't working for and you know you need to try something DIFFERENT.

✔️ You are open to changing your approach and you understand this will require you to be consistent with your Pinterest marketing strategies (because consistency is KEY here).

On the other hand, PINTEREST IS QUEEN probably isn't the right fit for you if:

✖️You are looking for a magic pill that gives you instant Pinterest success, without actually investing the time and energy to make it happen.

✖️ You are quite rigid in your marketing approach and aren't open to trying out new ideas.

✖️ You aren't ready to read a 380 page book filled with the most valuable Pinterest marketing strategies that will serve as the rocket fuel to your future traffic success.



I have just added this extra 30-page guide to this offer, with additional tips that are working for me right now.

I thought some of these tips were way too weird to include in the core PINTEREST IS QUEEN book.

But then again, these strategies get me numbers like this to my website so they are definitely worth sharing!

This BONUS TIPS guide confirms that I am definitely willing to explore new options and keep experimenting with Pinterest to work out exactly what is and isn't working!





FAQ: Answering the most important questions:

Q - But isn't it IMPOSSIBLE for a new account to get traction in Pinterest nowadays?

A: Total lie. Of course it isn't impossible. Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.

Please don't let this limited belief hold you back! Here's how I'm going with my second website DREAM BIG MY FRIEND that I started focusing on growing in 2021.

When people say it's "too hard," I always want to take a closer look to see exactly what they are doing.

FYI: You will love my BONUS CHAPTER titled WHY SOME PINTEREST ACCOUNTS GO WELL AND OTHERS...SIMPLY DON'T. For some people this info is a bitter truth pill to swallow.

Q: How do I know PINTEREST IS QUEEN is worth the investment?

A: Firstly I'm so glad you used the word investment because that is exactly how I want you to view PINTEREST IS QUEEN.

Here's something cool that we don't often think about when we are chasing traffic. Or maybe we do...

More traffic equals more potential ad income, more potential email sign-ups, more potential affiliate and digital product sales and more exposure for our business.

Using the strategies from this 380+ page book I have brought in tens of thousands of dollars of revenue to my business. I couldn't have done it without Pinterest. The traffic from Pinterest is gold.

Every single thing I have learned from my time marketing on Pinterest has gone into this book just for you.

Because I remember how tough it was to figure everything out in the beginning. I remember wishing someone could tell me exactly what I needed to know and ONLY the most important stuff.

No-BS. No fluff.

Pinterest really is the queen of traffic sources and this is the guide I wish I had in my hands on day 1, day 100 and even today, right now, because it will continue to steer me in the right direction.

So if you are looking for more traffic from Pinterest, consider me to be your partner in crime.

What are you waiting for? You have traffic to get and more money $$$$ to earn. It's time to jump in!




Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Frances Vidakovic is a certified life coach for goal-getters, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

She helps women take action and achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. Her superpower: transforming dreamers into doers.