Manifest Money And A Life Of Abundance
How To Quickly Get The Results You Want In Life
Yes I'm Ready To Manifest Now!
Hey all my fellow dreamchasers!
If you are want to know exactly how to make amazing things happen in your life via the power of law of attraction you're exactly in the right place...
First a back story - I've been interested in the Law Of Attraction ever since I was a teen who picked up Napoleon Hill's classic book THINK AND GROW RICH.
But to be honest when I read the words I didn't truly understand how I could make this process work for me.
I didn't know how to action all these new ideas I was discovering.
I absolutely love the idea of Law Of Attraction IN THEORY but I couldn't get my head around how to make it work IN PRACTICE.
Was I just supposed to think more positively? (I was already great at that).
Was I supposed to daydream constantly about the things I wanted to transpire in my life (FYI daydreaming seemed like a very cool past-time to me!)
How come The Secret (which I discovered so many years later) still made what was supposed to be simple feel so COMPLICATED AND IMPOSSIBLE TO PULL OFF consistently in the real world?
I can genuinely understand why so many people struggle with implementing the principles of Law Of Attraction and manifestation into their life.
Even with my degree in psychology, years of coaching experience and an almost obsessive interest in all things to do with personal development, it actually took me decades before all the puzzle pieces fell into place for me.
So many so-called Law Of Attraction experts speak about different parts of the puzzle but I've NEVER found a resource that comprehensively covers EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF THAT PUZZLE in one spot.
MANIFEST MONEY AND A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE is the course I wish I had picked up all those years ago as a teenager.
This course is not just about wishful thinking because NEWS ALERT - that is not what Law Of Attraction is simply about.
The issue with so many Law Of Attraction books and courses is that they focus only on a few aspects of the process while glossing over the other parts that are just as (if not more) important.
This course is for people looking for real results and all the puzzle pieces that make up the Law Of Attraction in one place.
> You don't just want information. You want the actual strategies on how to make the LOA process work for you.
> You know you may have blocks of some sort that are stopping you from manifesting a life you love and want to know how to remove them permanently from your life
> You can accept that the biggest myth about the process of manifestation is that it is all in your head and depends primarily on your thoughts to succeed (if it was just our thoughts we could all think our way to any goal without getting off the couch!).
> You know there must be more to it (there is!) and you are eager to learn these additional essential pieces of the puzzle.
Most importantly, you want to know how to stay consistently focused on the LOA process when faced with obstacles in life (I have the perfect solution for this!).
The heart and soul of this course is our MANIFEST MONEY AND A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE eBook.
This 375+ page book is a one-of-a-kind approach to Law Of Attraction filled with only the most essential strategies to help you finally master the process of manifestation in a fun and easy way.
My goal was to strip away all the woo-woo aspects from the Law of Attraction and make MANIFESTING MONEY AND A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE as tangible and actionable as possible.
The goal is this course is to extract and deliver to you the most comprehensive strategies on the Law of Attraction without the crazy price tag.
This doesn't mean that this course is less valuable simply because it doesn't cost 10 or 30 times the amount (trust me the stuff here is priceless!)
You also don't need to throw thousands of dollars into a course in order to manifest a fabulous life (please don't fall for this BS! It's entirely possible to invest a smaller amount and succeed because here's the truth: what you really need to invest more of to make LOA work is YOUR TIME AND ENERGY!)
The information here includes all the gems you need to succeed.
Remember you are the author of your own life. If you don't like how it is going, stop and create something differet.
But be warned: this book and course will have ZERO VALUE if you don't actually take the time to do the work (but you seriously didn't think your dreams would just fall into your lap, did you?)
Over the years I myself have used the law of attraction to bring so many amazing experiences and accomplishments into my life.
From finding love to growing a beautiful family and the coolest tribe of friends a girl could ever ask for, in addition to launching a successful life coaching business, publishing over 20 books and creating over 40 courses, and recording over 375 episodes for my INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL podcast to name but a few things.
But the power of manifestation really came into full force for me in 2018 when I decided to start a parenting website and set the most unfathomable goal for the following year.
My goal was what most people considered to be “totally crazy and impossible.” I set my sights on achieving one million pageviews by the end of my first year, even though it technically wasn't a “realistic” goal for any new blogger to be chasing.
However the intention was there, matched with the strongest feeling that I was going to make it happen.
It felt so real to me I couldn’t imagine that it wouldn’t transpire, not when the entire universe was also conspiring to help me achieve this crazy dream of mine.
Lo and behold on the very last day of that year, while vacationing on a gorgeous Australian beach, I celebrated New Year’s Eve early after getting a rare moment of reception on my cell phone and discovering my traffic had clocked in just over 1,000,100 pageviews.
Some things that transpire in life really do feel as if there is some divine intervention at play.
A year later I won the 2019 Best Parenting Blog award for that website.
That website has since gone on to have over 6 million visitors and help over 6500 students via my courses.
Then in 2021 I won another award - this time the Best Personal Development Blog Award for my second website I created
And that’s the power of manifestation, my friend. It makes crazy things happen!
As Joe Vitale so wisely said, law of attraction doesn't turn on and off like a light switch. It's not subject to fate or fancy. It's a powerful neutral force that is constantly operational.
Because I want you to feel totally supported inside this course, I have included so many amazing bonuses inside MANIFEST MONEY AND A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE.
There's little point in manifesting things in your life if they aren't aligned with your true authentic self. This mini course will help you do exactly that - live life authentically!
Want to know how to live life abundantly when you truly aren't yet seeing evidence of that abundance in your life? This mini course will help you do exactly that - live life abundantly, no matter what your circumstances look like!
It's important that you're super clear on what you want to bring to life ahead of time. This mini course will help you do exactly that - get a crystal clear vision of the future you want to create.
The words you tell yourself on a daily basis when you're in the process of manifestation are SUPER IMPORTANT.
This bonus includes 50 different PDFS with clear affirmations for you to repeat on a daily basis, depending on what you are choosing to focus on. Choose an affirmation PDF that resonates most for you and refer to it every single day from hereon!
Some say everything happens for a reason and the mere fact you are here right now means you are a perfect fit for this course!
This here is the most actionable No-BS course on Law Of Attraction that will FINALLY make that lightbulb go off in your head so you say "Okay, I totally get what I need to do now! I know EXACTLY how to do it. consistently, rain, hail or shine."
In return, I ask that you allow yourself to be stretched and challenged and guided by everything here inside MANIFEST MONEY AND A LIFE OF ABUNDANCE because you're definitely worthy of living a fabulous life.
Don't doubt your ability or potential for a second.
It only takes one person to change your life - you! So are you ready to embrace the power of manifestation?
If so, let's dive on in...
Get started now!
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic. I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, course creator (of over 60+ courses), author (of 20+ books), CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife and host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity.