The Fearless You Project

Dare To Live More Boldly And With Less Fear In Life

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If you're tired of:

Allowing your fears to hold you back in life

Feeling like you aren't living life to its full amazing potential

Staying stuck inside your comfort zone, even though it feels oh so snug and safe in there

Or wishing that you could be any of the following: more of a go-getter, more motivated, more decisive, more courageous etc (aka - a more fearless version of yourself)

Take a deep breath my friend, because I have got your back.

This one-of-a-kind, coaching-based course will introduce you to my game-changing FEARLESS YOU PROJECT.

This is my secret formula and framework for finally facing your fears every day, rather than allowing them to keep you stuck in life!





When you live with fear:

You don't take full advantage of all the opportunities that come your way

You live small rather than living and dreaming big in life

You don't take the risks you need to move forward in life, because you're scared of the discomfort you will experience

You experience regret because of all the things you aren't brave enough to do

All in all, you stay stuck and don't realise the true depth of your potential, because your past inaction has filled you with doubt

It sounds so simple, right?

You know you need to be braver in life.

You know you need to feel the fear and do it anyway.

✔︎ Yet you DON'T KNOW HOW

✔︎ Or you are simply still AFRAID

✔︎ Even though you KNOW that living life with more courage rather than fear would be MORE LIBERATING

It's time to SHAKE THINGS UP and completely change the way you think about fear and courage so you can change the trajectory of your life moving forward.

Inside this course, I'm going to share with you a foolproof step-by-step strategy required to help you to become more fearless in life and begin DOING WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE DONE.

✔︎ No more making dumb excuses.

✔︎ No more procrastinating.

✔︎ No more saying "I don't know."

✔︎ No more wasting time.

Here's the thing: I have been in your shoes before.

I personally know how hard it is.

Once upon a time I was the quiet, timid kid who didn't say peep. Then I became an adult who looked confident on the outside but inside I constantly questioned my strengths and ability to succeed.

I'm now handing you the keys to the simplest way to MAKE YOUR FEARS YOUR FRIEND and begin living life with more courage and confidence each day.

If you aren't sure how to make this happen, don't worry. I'll be guiding you and virtually holding your hand every step of the way...





Is a in-depth course that approaches the topic of fear (and how to move beyond it) in the most genius new way possible

Rather than wasting time making excuses, you will be given tools that you can begin actioning immediately

Not only is this strategy super effective but it also doesn't require you to be confident. YES I AM SERIOUS!

You can come into this course feeling like the most unconfident person in the world and exit it knowing exactly how to embrace courage with grace and ease

As a life coach with your best interests at heart, I have made sure this course contains only the most important tools and strategies to help you see a dramatic improvement in your action-taking - no matter what your fears...

Once you are done with this roadmap you will:

✔︎ feel more in control of your life again

✔︎ never allow fear to stop you from chasing your goals again

✔︎ learn and implement the exact process re: how to make this happen

✔︎ feel truly excited to be alive because when you embrace courage, the world finally becomes your oyster

You're about to discover that living life with courage and facing your fears is ACTUALLY EASY when you know the right way to approach your fears in life

✔︎ It goes without saying that YOU AND YOUR LIFE are well worth investing in. So let's get to work on making it best it can be...


How this course will transform you

You will learn:

✔️ The difference between courage and confidence

✔️ The truth about courage

✔️ How to manage your brain

✔️ What you are really scared of

✔️ How to make fear your friend

✔️ How to rewrite your script

✔️ How to direct your story

✔️ How to change the words in your head

✔️ How to call for backup

✔️ How to cope with anything that could go wrong

✔️ How to get comfortable with the uncomfortable

✔️ How to take baby steps

✔️ How to become the star of your show

And so much more





Yep there's more! I want you to feel totally supported on your journey to living a more courageous life with THE FEARLESS YOU PROJECT so I created a special bonus to help you accelerate your results.


This workbook will reinforce all the lessons you find inside THE FEARLESS YOU PROJECT and make it so much easier for you to accelerate your results.

Each exercise is short and sweet and very strategic with zero BS and no fluff. They are designed to help you get to the heart of what has been holding you back so that moving forward, you can let go of past baggage and feel so much more free.


If you're feeling stuck, this workbook will show you exactly how to get off the hamster wheel and out of limbo land FOR GOOD!

So what are you waiting for?

It's time to start doing things DIFFERENTLY, stop bowing down to fear, stop wasting your time and begin taking action to live with more courage and intention so you create a life you love and deserve...



Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start, how quickly you move through the lessons, in a way that suits you best. The coolest thing is that this course will be of value to you forever, as the fear never really goes away. Instead we learn to embrace courage DESPITE the fear, and as you grow and step outside your comfort zone, you will be called to tap into these timeless strategies more often.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
Due to the digital and downloadable nature of this course, we can only offer refunds within 24 hours.

Get started now!

Your Instructor

Frances Vidakovic
Frances Vidakovic

Hi I'm Frances Vidakovic! I'm a certified life coach for goal getters, with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE PODCAST, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife. I help women achieve their goals without sacrificing their family life or their sanity. My one true superpower is: transforming dreamers into doers.