This coaching guide is different from all the other personal development books.

It focuses less on “what you need to DO or CHANGE” to make your life super fabulous and more on “what you need to UNDERSTAND” to make your life more manageable and special.

If you struggle with self-doubt or a lack of direction, this book is the wake-up call you need.

If you find that you are always fighting things rather than living in peace and going with the flow, this book will highlight 50 truth bombs that you need to understand to free yourself from that constant pain, suffering and torment cycle.

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This 300 page ebook is written for the broken people, who didn’t have the perfect parents and perfect childhood or live the perfect life with the perfect partner in adulthood.

Even if you are naturally confident, resilient, happy and carefree, you will still benefit from the lessons in this book because being confident, happy or carefree doesn’t do you much good if you continue to resist the truth bombs noted in this book.

It is our job to embrace each truth bomb and allow it to light up our life from this day forward.

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Hi, I'm Frances Vidakovic

I'm a certified life coach with a degree in psychology, host of the INSPIRING LIFE SCHOOL podcast, course creator and CEO of the award-winning website InspiringMomLife.

I help soul-led women manage their mind, time and life better so that they can finally live life without regret. My one true superpower? Transforming dreamers into doers.